Did some additional work on Misato's hair and then pinned her.
The recast kit I got didn't include the clear lenses for her goggles so I decided to try and vacuum form them. I went to the $1 store and bought a food grater and a tupperware container. Cut a hole in the lid of the container and hot glued the grater to it with some additional plasticard to make sure it was airtight. Another hole was cut on the side where the vacuum hose goes in (just a regular old cleaning vacuum).
For the clear plastic I cut it from some Ikea plastic packaging, sandwiched it between two pieces of cardboard, and taped the edges to keep the air in. The positive models were made with some miliput I had smooshed into the goggles and then sanded down. I then heated it over the stove and quickly placed it over the grater and the molds with the vacuum on. (Success!)
After some minor sanding the clear lenses fit! Not bad for a $2 vacuum former! Will dip them in some future floor wax later to make them shine.
To be continued....
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